yeast infection candidiasis -1 Weird Trick Forces Your Body To Quickly T...
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yeast infection candidiasis -1 Weird Trick Forces Your Body To Quickly Treat Candida Overgrowth
What Is It?
Candidiasis is an infection caused by Candida fungi,
especially Candida albicans. These fungi are found
almost everywhere in the environment. Some may live
harmlessly along with the abundant "native" species of
bacteria that normally colonize the mouth, gastrointestinal
tract and vagina.
Candida infections can cause occasional symptoms in healthy people frequently. Candidiasis can affect many parts of the body, causing localized infections or larger illness, depending on the person and his or her general health.
Types of candidiasis include:
• Thrush
• Thrush is the common name for a
• mouth infection caused by the Candida albicans fungus.
• It affects moist surfaces around the lips,
• inside the cheeks, and on the tongue and palate.
• Esophagitis —
• Candida infections of the mouth can
• spread to the esophagus, causing esophagitis.
• Cutaneous (skin) candidiasis —
• Candida can cause skin infections, including diaper rash,
• in areas of skin that receive little ventilation and are unusually moist.
• Some common sites include the diaper area;
• the hands of people who routinely wear rubber gloves;
• the rim of skin at the base of the fingernail, especially for
• hands that are exposed to moisture; areas around the groin
• and in the crease of the buttocks; and the skin folds under large breasts.
• Vaginal yeast infections —
• Vaginal yeast infections are not usually transmitted sexually.
• Women may be more susceptible to vaginal yeast infections if they are pregnant or have diabetes.
• Deep candidiasis (for example, candida sepsis) —
• In deep candidiasis, Candida fungi contaminate
• the bloodstream and spread throughout the body,
• causing severe infection.
• This is especially common in newborns with very low birth weights and in people with severely weakened immune systems or severe medical problems. In these people, Candida fungi may get into the bloodstream through skin catheters, tracheostomy sites, ventilation tubing, or surgical wounds. Deep candidiasis also can occur in healthy people if Candida fungi enter the blood through intravenous drug abuse, severe burns or wounds caused by trauma.
Candidiasis causes different symptoms, depending on the site of infection.
• Thrush causes curd-like white patches inside
• the mouth, especially on the tongue and
• palate and around the lips.
• Thrush —
• If you try to scrape off this whitish surface, you will usually find a red, inflamed area, which may bleed slightly. There may be cracked, red, moist areas of skin at the corners of the mouth. Sometimes thrush patches are painful, but often they are not.
• Esophagitis —
• Candida esophagitis may make swallowing difficult
• or painful, and it may cause chest pain behind the
• breastbone (sternum).
• Cutaneous candidiasis —
• Cutaneous candidiasis causes patches of red,
• moist, weepy skin, sometimes with small pustules nearby.
• Vaginal yeast infections — Vaginal yeast infections may cause the following symptoms: vaginal itch and/or soreness; a thick vaginal discharge with a texture like soft or cottage cheese; a burning discomfort around the vaginal opening, especially if urine touches the area; and pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse.
• Deep candidiasis —
• When Candida spreads to the bloodstream,
• it may cause a wide range of symptoms, from
• unexplained fever to shock and multiple organ failure.
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